Saturday, July 09, 2005

Jim Leyland May Skipper the Wishbone C

Being a fan of the Reds, one of the more encouraging things I've read in a while is that Jim Leyland could maybe kinda sorta be a managerial candidate for the Wishbone C.

I wanted Dave Miley to last at least throughout the year. If he would have turned it around in the second half, I would have been up for reupping him.

But that didn't happen. Jerry Narron is an interim manager. That's fine. I hope that he is one of the interviewees for the permanent job. That would be fine, too.

What happened in the first half of 2005 wasn't a managerial thing. It wasn't even an offseason 2004 thing. It was a long time in coming. It's systemic. The system is broken and needs a lot of work to get it fixed. There were too many huge problems that re-signing Paul Wilson and acquiring Ramon Ortiz and Eric Milton weren't going to fix, even if they hadn't blown up. Two games under .500 and 17 games under .500 is the same thing if you really truly can't compete.

Anyway, here is a link to the article regarding Jim Leyland, and I pulled the end quote.


... "I think I can run a major league team, and I think I know what I'm

Leyland wants one more crack at managing, but on his terms. He doesn't want
to stray too far from his suburban Pittsburgh home, which narrows his options.
Leyland isn't saying, but he'd probably only return to Pittsburgh or go to
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New York, Washington or Boston. His best
bet could be Cincinnati, which hired Jerry Narron as interim manager after
firing Dave Miley last month.

"I want to manage again if it's the right situation,"Leyland said. "I'm not
going to sit here and campaign for a job that somebody else has. That's not my

Well, that's all for now.


Old Cleat

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