Saturday, August 06, 2005

John Bolton: Who's Call Is It, Anyway?

If lovin' John Bolton is wrong, W don't wanta be right.

Ian Williams wrote a piece in Salon regarding John Bolton's recess appointment to the U.N. I share in its conclusion that the democrats would be wise to not try to block John Bolton. My reasoning is different, however. Ian Williams says that if the dems were truly partisan, they would rejoice this as a bad thing for the Bush administration.

My reasoning that the democrats should cease the delaying tactics is because the president, I believe, has the right to pick many of the people in the administration, right or wrong. I believe Bolton is wrong, maybe as wrong as you can get, for this particular position. But that's the pres's call. I think the dems are working this to their disadvantage. I don't think the lunchbuckets worry who the U.N. Ambassador is. The dems, trust me, have other things to worry about.

Federal courts, now that's different. Attorney General, that's a closer call. Secretary to the United Nations, even one as fun-loving and open-minded as John Bolton, that's is W's call, even if he is one of the worst candidates that there is. Which he is.


old cleat

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