Saturday, July 02, 2005

What is the Best Hot Dog in Chicago? Hot Doug's

If you are in Chicago, and you have a hankerin' for the best hot dog you'll ever taste, or any other kind of sausage, you should visit Hot Doug's.

Several years ago, three coworkers and myself set out to find the best hot dog on the north side of Chicago. We reviewed more than 40 joints, and we found several that were to our liking, such as Superdawg and Byron's. But one of the members of the Hot Dog Club, Doug Sohn, did us all one better. He went out and became Hot Doug.

Doug opened his humble little sausage joint, and nobody took notice.

Just kidding.

This man had a half-page, four-color picture of himself in the New York Times, for R.W. Apple's sake. Doug is a media trollop.

Regardless, he does make on tasty hot dog. And he makes all sorts of sausages.

And if you have bratwurst on the brain, I urge you to get the Paul Kelly. And tell Doug that Old Cleat sent you.


Old Cleat

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